Project: ARCOPOLplus
Type: Tools & models
Date of release: 14/02/2014
Author: IST
Responsible partner: IST
This tool is the upgraded version of the one developed in ARCOPOL project. It computes in real time the shoreline contamination risk based on different data sources: AIS ship information, historic data about past ship accidents, coastal vulnerability indexes, metocean forecasting data (waves, currents and atmosphere), and drift modelling results (simulation of hypothetical spills based on ship positions). In this new version the bugs detected have been corrected, the risk algorithm has been improved and its area of implementation has been enlarged adding Galicia. It also includes a new functionality allowing the calculation of the risk on delayed mode. Here you can find the manual and implementation methodology. Please follow the link for the software installer. Password for unzipping the files is needed. Please send request to:
Notice that this tool was further improved in ARCOPOLplatform project. Find further information on the new tool on this link.